Martin Motola

Comenius University in Bratislava

Associate professor Martin Motola is a goal-driven and perspective scientist who started his academic career at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. He returned to his alma mater after 2.5-year postdoctoral position in Czech Republic. During his postdoctoral position at the Center of Materials and Nanotechnologies (CEMNAT), Faculty of Chemical Technology, University in Pardubice, Czech Republic, he worked under supervision of Dr. Jan M. Macak – the recipient of the prestigious ERC start-up grant on the development and research of a new generations of solar cells. At the same time, he worked as a researcher on the NANOBIO project, supported from ERDF funded project. Currently, he is the leader of MIA (Materials Innovation & Advances’ lab) and is a supervisor of 5 PhD, 1 Masters, and 2 Bachelor students. He is part of several (inter)national projects. During his relatively short scientific career, he has published >70 publications in peer reviewed journals. He started to work on fuel cells after his return to alma mater and in this relatively short time he gained international recognition within the “fuel cell community”.